Tortilla Wrapped Cheeseburger

Cheeseburger with low-carb tortillas as buns, with onion, tomato, lettuce.

2x La Banderita Street Taco tortillas, 1/3LB 80/20 Beef Patty, 1 Slice of Cheese, 3x Slices of Roma Tomato, 40g White Onion, 1 Leaf of Romaine Lettuce.

Calories: 533
Net Carbs: 5g
2HR Glucose Reaction: +20mg/dL

Baseline Glucose Blood glucose reading prior to consumption. 74mg/dL
2-Hour High Highest reading 2-hours post-consumption. 94mg/dL
Impact Blood glucose change from baseline to peak reading. +20
Net Carbs Net Carbs of what was consumed. 5g
Reaction Time Time to surpass the baseline or surpass most recent high. 32 Min.
Recovery Time Total time it takes to return from peak, back to baseline. 135 Min
CGM Pre-Consumption
CGM Post-Consumption