Black Coffee, Empty Stomach
10oz of Black Coffee on an empty stomach.
Last meal was 14 hours ago. Coffee was 1 Keurig cup of Starbucks Veranda Blend in 10oz of water. Consumed at a regular pace, over 10 minutes.Notes & Observations
Black coffee did not cause any change in blood glucose.
The small rise shown is likely just a normal fluctuation which would have happened with or without the coffee.
Baseline Glucose
Blood glucose reading prior to consumption.
2-Hour High
Highest reading 2-hours post-consumption.
Blood glucose change from baseline to peak reading.
Net Carbs
Net Carbs of what was consumed.
Reaction Time
Time to surpass the baseline or surpass most recent high.
0 Min.
Recovery Time
Total time it takes to return from peak, back to baseline.